Thursday, October 14, 2010

So called "Problem Horses"

While not much is going on in my life, I might take the opportunity to mention the number one reason for problems with horses.
Lack of physical strength!
Almost all clients horses I have ridden were presented to me because of secondary problems due to physical weakness.
Before a horse has built up strength in the top line muscles, which provide collection, they display many so called "faults" for very natural reasons.
They flick their head up when doing down-transitions, go "on the forehand" or pull the reins out of the riders hands and run off etc.
For an inexperienced rider this can appear threatening and cause more or less forced reactions, first by the rider and subsequently by the horse, reacting to the rider.
Here is a good story where the rider was worried about riding her her horse.
The mare is five years old and had a foal after being broken in.
Many riders with fear of their horses have become confident as soon as they were told some facts of nature. In more dramatic cases; that a horse can not buck with the head held high up
or; generally, a horse who rears, only flip over if the reins are pulled.
On the less dramatic end of the scale are other facts such as; when a large horse is agitated it can appear to challenge the rider because it's response is physically bigger and stronger or; very agile horses react quicker and appear more stressed or nervous when a problem occurs. The fact is that many of these horses (often thoroughbreds) are the most confident and best tempered ones. (The main reason for fear in humans, is lack of knowledge)
So, This young mare, turned out to be exceptionally calm and pleasant and she improved immediately when introduced to basic physical training and allowed the time she needed to understand the exercises.

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