I think they take doggy bags from the soup kitchen downtown. In sympathy with the less fortunate in Devonport, I decided to eat it all with a grateful smile. Hopefully my $ 14 helped a starving motel owner through the day or at least paid for his children’s shoes.
Taking the ferry back to Melbourne I got myself ready for a hard night out, just like on the ferries from Sweden to Finland. Floating liquor stores with human brain capacity dropping by 75% before even entering the Baltic Sea. So, with newly dyed hair, Lynx all over me, I walked up to the entertainment area, only to find a handful of badly dressed people looking slightly depressed.
They all watched the TV screens showing a documentary of an anorectic girl followed by the Ship Emergency Procedure Video.. I lost all hope of any social interaction of any kind. The atmosphere on board was like ice and I spent the next hour talking to my colleague and walk on deck figuring out the best way to make it to the life boats in case of more Icebergs.
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