The Cooking is getting better. It all looks OK but not yet as mouth watering as on the photos in the books.
Since my dishes taste good, I decided that all I need to do now is to give my pictures some Photo Shop work. How are these “Before” and “After” pictures?

In any case, it keeps me away from bad food...most of the time.
A while ago, a friend kindly took me along to watch the TV show “Hot Seat”. It was very exciting to step into a TV studio again after 15 years away from the live TV industry.
Trying to impress my friend, I showed her how it all works and where to sit for maximum camera exposure because she wants to get famous.
After some tactical positioning she was almost guaranteed a hot spot on national TV and some degree of fame. To cut a long story short; half of the audience shots had me in them and my friend was nowhere to be seen. I must be a better Studio Director than I thought.